Free Downloads

Download microdosing guidance, embodiment meditations, mindful movement journeys, and e-books to support your eating disorder recovery journey and path towards heart-centered, embodied transformation.


7-Day Microdosing Program for Eating Disorder Recovery

Join me on 7-day journey designed to help you prepare for a safe and intentional microdosing practice. This free course provides compassionate guidance, covering essential topics like setting intentions, understanding benefits and risks, creating supportive environments, and cultivating self-reflection — all tailored for individuals healing their relationship with food and body. Whether you’re curious about microdosing or ready to deepen your healing journey, this course empowers you with knowledge and tools to make informed, mindful choices for your recovery. Let’s begin!


Body Wisdom Guided Practice

This gentle embodiment practice (8 mins) invites you to reconnect with your body’s felt sense — the quiet language of breath, heartbeat, and presence. Think of this practice as a pause, a homecoming, and a chance to remember yourself beneath the noise. Let yourself be guided towards reconnecting with the wisdom that has always lived within you.


    I Trust - Microdosing Guided Movement Journey

    Explore mindful movement as way to uncover, recover and discover what it means to go at your own pace. This 56-minute mindful dance journey guides you to gently connect with your body, inviting you to express what is present for you moment to moment, movement to movement. This intuitive dance welcomes you to open to the possibility of trusting your inner beat. Best incorporated as part of a morning microdosing practice.


      I Exist - Guided Practice To Stimulate Regulation

      If you are feeling the call to reconnect to your body and to the wider world, this guided embodiment practice focuses on stimulating regulation. This practice begins with a gentle arrival and moves into self-touch around the face and head region. Use the warmth of your own hands on your face to acknowledge the vessel that houses you, priming your body to reach out and expand into the fullness of who you are and into the wider world. You can listen to this practice when you need to gather yourself by soothing and invigorating the senses. You can also use it part of your microdosing or psychedelic journey, preparation or integration.


        I Belong - Guided Body Scan Practice

        If you are feeling the inner call to practice connecting to the sacred temple that is your body through the art of pausing, this 19-minute guided body scan journey is for you. This practice has been intentionally created for folks who are in eating disorder or disordered eating recovery, as well as for people who are on the journey of finding their authentic way back to their bodies and hearts. You can listen to this meditation when you feel the need to realign to center and cultivate internal clarity. You can also use it as part of your microdosing or psychedelic journey, preparation or integration.


          Eating Disorder Recovery Handbook

          One Way Ticket To The Soul was inspired by my travel adventures in Central America. This recovery e-book is for anyone in eating disorder recovery who feels the call to travel freely with food and in their bodies. Included in the e-book are over 40 reflective journal questions, 10 tips on how to heal your relationship with food and your body, and more.