movement meditations
Welcome to these guided dance meditations that merge movement, sound and storytelling. We have over ten meditations, and counting - below are just a taster of what is available to you.
We move for healing, embodiment and liberation of self and for all beings. We move to remember who we are. May you flow through life with ease, grace and love. This is the gateway of discovery into our own internal landscapes.
Meditations are uploaded to our SoundCloud account regularly so be sure to subscribe to our channel to get the latest movement drops!
mountain movement meditation
We will be guided by the energy of mountains, moving with, in and through the grounded, steady, vast undulations, peaks and slopes of our bodies. Root into your base. Feel into your groundedness. Calm and stillness washes over you as mountain. Breathe as mountain. Move as mountain.
aries movement meditation
We will be guided by the fiery, bold, warrior energy of Aries, moving with courageous self-expression and dancing free. Expand your movements, deepening your dance into a more authentic expression of what you are feeling. Carve new territories and move into unexplored spaces in your body, feeling the building of your eternal, internal fire rising.
ocean movement meditation
We will be guided by the element of water, moving with, in and through the oceanic environments of our bodies. The body is spacious, calm and at peace. The mind is soft, relaxed and still. The soul is receptive, open and awake. Breathe the waters deep within you. Call forth these waters. Surrender to its flow. Trust its guidance. Trust yourself and dissolve into the oceanic depths of the universe.
dark movement meditation
We will be guided by our shadows, bringing to light the unseen. We welcome the darkness, acknowledging that by meeting these parts we can return to wholeness. Call in your evil queen or king. Invite in the snake, spells, temptations and potions. Allow the shadows to flow by and through you. Invite it all in, for without the darkness, there would be no light.
sagittarius movement meditation
We will be guided by the celebratory nature of Sagittarius, dancing with presence, curiosity and freedom. When we move without judgement, or without preference for it being anything else than it is, this is how we uncover our truth and discover freedom. Travel through your own inner space. Go inside. You can rest knowing that all you seek is already within, infinitely abundant, brave and wise. Dance your truth.
create movement meditation
We will be guided by our center of creative expression, our inner artist, accepting all parts of ourselves. What do you wish to experience more of? What do you want to create in your life? What is your unique expression of life? Dance your reality into existence. Create your masterpiece. Your expression, your truth, your essence is necessary to this world. This is why you are here. Infinite possibilities await.