Mushroom Chocolate Recipe [Vegan + Magic]

In the psychedelic world, 16th April 1943 became Bicycle Day. Albert Hofmann, a chemist from Switzerland, accidentally invented and then ingested LSD - about 250 micrograms. And so, the day of discovery was born (surprise!): one of the major psychoactive substances to be researched and utilized worldwide as a psychiatric and self-discovery tool.

Here’s Hofmann’s story: He was casually cycling back home and began to feel strange. As you can imagine, his bicycle ride was marked with all the beautiful and bizarre hallucinatory effects of lysergic acid diethylamide. Anyone experienced this?

Psychedelic enthusiasts now remember Hofmann's discovery of LSD's effects every April 16, known as Bicycle Day or The Day of Discovery. On the 19th of April, a few days later (not a moment to lose - such a champ!), Hofmann experimented intentionally with LSD and so began a global revolution in shifting consciousness through psychoactive drugs.

Soon thereafter, research and experimentation of all kinds got shut down. For years, everything stopped. And now, we are seeing the restrictions lifting. Investors, non-profits, for-profits, start-ups, students, therapists, research centers, medical researchers, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, podcasters, social media influencers, space holders, artists, and healers of all kinds are putting renewed focus and attention on what can be done in the world of psychedelics and their capacities for healing.

To celebrate the discovery of LSD and other psychoactive substances, and all that has been researched and explored by thousands of people around the world, I wanted to share a fun and easy mushroom chocolate recipe!


I have been experimenting with magic mushrooms as one my tools for my eating disorder recovery and awakening. I also am a fan of cacao medicine, for its heart-opening capabilities. The two plant medicines are stunning companions, whereby the cacao is able to amplify the mushrooms, whilst the mushrooms swim with ease along the cacao currents. Together, it is a glorious ceremony.

For this recipe, remember that any medicinal mushroom powder is welcome, from lions mane to chaga, or the magic kinds. Please consume mindfully and responsibly.

To read more about the history of mushrooms, aka, ethnomycology, head here.

To understand how medicinal mushrooms work, read this.

To research more about psychedelic research and treatment for eating disorder recovery, read this.

To read a personal anecdote about my experience with a hero’s dose of magic mushrooms, head here.

To host your own plant medicine ceremony, read this. This post covers cacao ceremonies but can be applied to any form of ceremony.


1 cup cacao butter

1/3 cup 100% raw cacao

3 Tbsp maple syrup or agave

Pinch of salt

Drop or two of vanilla essence

2gs-3gs of your chosen medicinal mushrooms


  1. Finely chop 1 cup cacao butter. Allow to melt fully in a bowl.

  2. Melt 1/3 cup 100% cacao in a double broiler (boil water in a pot and place a heatproof bowl on top). Watch that the cacao melts and doesn’t burn. Ensure no water comes into contact with the cacao.

  3. Add to the cacao butter, 3 Tbsp maple syrup or agave. Whisk. Add a pinch of salt and vanilla essence. Whisk again.

  4. Combine the melted cacao to the bowl. With a wooden spoon, stir it together.

  5. Carefully pour the chocolate mixture into an ice tray. Fill each section about halfway. Then add the in 2gs-3gs of your medicinal mushrooms. You may want to measure and divide the mushrooms up into smaller amounts and add those smaller amounts of mushrooms to each section evenly. With a toothpick, mix the mushrooms into the chocolate. Finally, add the rest of the chocolate mixture, covering the top.

  6. Freeze for 10-15 mins and then store in the fridge in a closed container. Makes 5-7 little chocolates.

Allow it to melt in your mouth. Soften the body. Go into the journey!